Satterwhite Chiropractics October 2017 Healthy Newsletter



Oxford knee pain is a pain that Satterwhite Chiropractic sees often. Pain medications and surgical options are commonly recommended while a new non-surgical chiropractic treatment is supplying quite promising results. Principles of Cox® Technic flexion distraction and decompression - a technique used in clinic daily for Oxford back pain and neck pain relief - were customized for use with knee pain. They demonstrated success in easing knee pain. Overall, knee pain patients’ mean pain scores dropped from 7.7 to 1.8 on a 10 point scale 1 least pain, 10 most pain in a mean of 5.3 visits over 3 weeks. More specifically, acute knee pain patients’ pain scores dropped even more from a mean of 8.1 to 1.1 in 4.8 treatments in 2.4 weeks. Chronic knee pain patients’ scores dropped from 7.5 to 2.2 in 5.4 treatments in 3.3 weeks. No one in the study experienced any adverse side-effects. (1) It's gentle, relieving, and comfortable.  Check out a PODCAST by the author of this paper about his clinical experience in treating knee pain. This is an exciting addition to Satterwhite Chiropractic’s Oxford chiropractic care! Oxford knee pain sufferers are invited to feel this gentle, relieving Oxford knee pain treatment!


Oxford CHIROPRACTIC TIP OF THE MONTH: Strengthen the Hip Abductors

We all can benefit from stronger hip abductors, and Oxford elder folks gain even more. A recent article states that chronic low back pain sufferers typically have hip abductor weakness, too. (Satterwhite Chiropractic agrees as this pairing is seen frequently in this Oxford chiropractic practice.) A simple series of hip abductor exercises helped reduce pain and improve function for a set of older chronic low back pain sufferers. (2) Easy! Satterwhite Chiropractic will give you some hip strengthening exercises you can do in the convenience of your own home alongside the Oxford chiropractic spinal manipulation with Cox Technic in office to experience such relief yourself.

COME SEE Satterwhite Chiropractic 

Satterwhite Chiropractic awaits seeing your painful Oxford knees, hips, backs and necks! Satterwhite Chiropractic is ready to help with the latest in Oxford chiropractic care!

Schedule your next Oxford chiropractic appointment today.

"This information and website content is not intended to diagnose, guarantee results, or recommend specific treatment or activity. It is designed to educate and inform only. Please consult your physician for a thorough examination leading to a diagnosis and well-planned treatment strategy. See more details on the DISCLAIMER page. Content is reviewed by Dr. James M. Cox I."