Spinal Curve = Back Pain? Ah, that’s the question…
or is it?
Just what effect does a curve have on the spine? Does it cause back pain? [[comanyname]]’s
chiropractic care takes care of all
spines, painful, curved,
and flat. Satterwhite Chiropractic is certainly interested in the
curve of the spine
(Anything about the spine fascinates your Oxford chiropractor!) but
not intimidated by it. Satterwhite Chiropractic is well equipped to manage
back pain and
alleviate its pain whether due to a curve or not.
Just what is a spinal curve? There are three main types:
lordotic (sway back type that curves inward), kyphotic (bulging type that
curves outward) and scoliotic (curvy type that curves side to side). There are
researchers and chiropractors and other back pain specialists who will discuss the
spinal curve’s influence on back pain and motion…or not. When does a curve
matter? If there’s back pain.
One set of researchers compared spinal curve types in people without
low back pain. They found that a flat lordotic spine seems to produce more
degenerated discs at L4-5. This finding leads them to believe that spinal
sagittal alignment plays a role in early disc degeneration. (1) Ok. Satterwhite Chiropractic
does see disc degeneration in young and older Oxford chiropractic
patients alike, in curvier spines and flatter spines.
Another group of researchers studied the spinal curve changes
in pregnant women. They report that sitting and standing are quite difficult in
the third trimester, but they found no overall tendency for significant lumbar
spine curve changes during pregnancy. (2) Hum. Satterwhite Chiropractic sees back pain
in our Oxford pregnant chiropractic ladies and offers gentle relieving care of pregnancy-related back pain in the form of Cox Technic delivered in a side-lying position.
Another set of authors reports that the lumbar spine has
different patterns at different levels when an athlete does squats. The lower
lumbar spine seems less overloaded during unrestricted squats: the trunk and
lumbosacral spine don’t lean as forward. (3) Ok. Satterwhite Chiropractic sees plenty of
athletes with back pain and helps them with back pain relief and recovery with Oxford
chiropractic care so they can return to their sports and athletic endeavors as
strong and painfree as possible.
Another assembly of researchers just reported that female
spines are different from male spines when it comes to lordosis. It’s been said that women are
evolutionally adapted to have greater lumbar lordosis to help with pregnancy
load bearing. Is that true? Well, this study found that women do have greater
lumbar lordosis than men when standing but not supine (lying on their backs).
Maybe this means the female spine has better range of motion. Interesting.
There is also the fact that there are differences in posture due to sacral orientation
and structure due to the wedging of the vertebral bodies between the male and
female spine. (4) Great to know! Satterwhite Chiropractic welcomes male and female back
pain sufferers.
One research article states it best:
“There is a large, at times contradictory, body of research
relating spinal curvature to low back pain (LBP). Mechanical load is considered
an important factor in LBP etiology. Geometry of the spinal structures and
sagittal curvature of the lumbar spine govern its mechanical behavior.” (5)
Back pain often stems from the load it takes and the way the
spine is structured and curves. (5) So what’s a chiropractor to do? What does a
Oxford back pain specialist look for when back pain presents
itself? Your Oxford chiropractor looks at it all. The chiropractic
examination that Satterwhite Chiropractic performs is likely the most thorough you’ve
experienced yet! Back pain results from many different combinations of issues.
Satterwhite Chiropractic studies them all.
Bottomline: If your back hurts, the curve may or may not play
a role in the pain. If your back hurts, your Oxford chiropractor can
help alleviate the back pain regardless of the curve. Contact Satterwhite Chiropractic
today for Oxford back pain relief.